The Tree House Seed Has Been Planted

We currently have nine crafty pagans working on displaying their work at the Marketplace

Things are currently still under construction, but you can still find the work of these artists, just click on over to the Tree House Marketplace.

We have come together out of a need to expand our online presence and to create a web of artisans who work together to promote each other and the Guild.

We are looking for more Earthpath and Pagan Artisans who would like to be a part of this new adventure. We are a few who are small and hidden, just a sprout in a jungle, but in numbers we can grow, bloom and be fruitful.

We are not just a Guild of crafty pagans selling our goods. We have a fun and social side as well. We are a peaceful haven to talk about the things we like to talk about with out any interference from those who do not understand the way we see Nature and Spirit.

What Is A Pagan?


That is not such an easy thing to do exactly. Ask 12 people to give a definition and you will get a mix of similar to quite different answers.
Historically it is unknown as to the true origin of the word. It is suspected that the word is originally Latin and derived from the word paganus.
It is from the late 14th century and means in noun form; "villager, rustic; civilian, non-combatant". As an adjective it means "of the country, of a village," which is from pagus "country people; province, rural district".

In modern-day Christianity, it is a term applied to pantheists and nature-worshippers. This use of the word is found as early as 1908. It is believed that this definition was derived from those of rural lands that still worshiped the old gods of Rome and Greece. However, the word used in this manner predates Christianity. It had been a derogatory term used by Roman soldier to describe an inept soldier (country bumpkin). It is thought that the early use of the word is what lead to the religious use of the word and it's derogatory nature.

Today it is more commonly defined as any religion that is not Abrahamic (Christianity, Judaism, Muslim). By that definition anyone who does not believe in the 'one and only single god' or does not believe in any god, is a Pagan. However, to most pagans, the definition is more about lifestyle, spiritual perspective, and reverence to ancient traditions & wisdom. It can be described as simply as a nature based spirituality, to the more involved ceremonies honoring the Lord and Lady of one's personal pantheon. To some it is questionable that Buddhist or Native Americans (to name a few) are part of the Pagan clan, to a few this is highly incorrect and are bothered by the association. Considering that the word pagan has been used in a derogatory manner, this is understandable. However, by definition, they are indeed pagan.

A Pagan can be religious, or non-religious.  A Pagan may study astrology or the pantheons of Mesoamerica, Egypt or Sumeria. Maybe even a mix from all over the world. A Pagan may call god the Universe, a Higher Power, the Collective Consciousness or the Great Spirit. A Pagan may use magic and spells, or they may meditate and do yoga.

The Bottom Line~ 
We, at the Tree House, define a Pagan as anyone who is open-minded, seeks spiritual development, has a deep affection for the Earth and ALL it's inhabitants, who does not condemn others or their chosen faith and lifestyle.

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